6x Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates Reveals His All 您所在的位置:网站首页 mrolympia certficate 6x Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates Reveals His All

6x Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates Reveals His All

2023-04-15 08:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Dorian Yates BodybuilderImages via Instagram @thedorianyates and The Menace Podcast Bodybuilding legend Dorian Yates talks in-depth about his past steroid cycles vs his current daily “micro-doses” of testosterone

6x Mr. Olympia bodybuilding legend Dorian Yates discusses his favorite steroid while comparing his past vs current cycles in a recent video. Ever since retirement, Yates has been known for being brutally honest about his past steroid use – as well as his experiments with drugs such as ayahuasca in recent years.

Dorian Yates’ most recent comments come from The Menace Podcast, where he talked shop with Dennis James and Milos Sarcev about his first ever steroid cycle, his favorite steroid substance of his career, and how he uses testosterone currently post-retirement.

Known as the Original Mass Monster, Dorian Yates ushered in a new era of bodybuilding size during the 1990s and earned himself six Mr. Olympia wins in the process. He was then succeeded by Ronnie Coleman, who pushed the boundaries even further – forever altering the “mass monster” aesthetic so commonly known today.

Dorian Yates has no qualms openly admitting that steroids helped him achieve such a massive physique (though it’s only in combination with his his one-of-a-kind hard work that made it possible). True to form, he spoke unfiltered and in-detail during the podcast discussion. Let’s break it down.


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Dorian Yates’ favorite steroid substance revealed

When discussing his journey into discovering and using steroids, Dorian Yates was easily able to pinpoint the most effective substance that he used. Without question, his all-time favorite steroid to take was Dianabol.

“I had emotional contact with that — Dianabol. For me, that was the best steroid I ever took. During the off-season, it was my favorite. If I had to choose a single fucking thing, that would be it… It’s the best single steroid you can take.”

– Dorian Yates

But Dianabol wasn’t the first substance he tried upon entering the world of PEDs. Dorian Yates also opened up about the first steroid cycle he ever took – Methandriol.

“My first cycle — 15 milligrams a day of Tunaject, which was a Methandriol stand alone from India with some B vitamins in there. I put on a about 20 pounds in six weeks.”

Dorian Yates Explains His Current Use Of Testosterone – calling it “micro-dosing”

Dorian Yates, post retirement, went through some troubles coming off steroids. As many already know, long-term use of steroids can led to the body no longer naturally making enough testosterone. Typically, an athlete will go under testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to keep their levels normal.

Dorian Yates didn’t initially do that and he crashed hard. In the Generation Iron Network documentary, Dorian Yates: The Original Mass Monster, Yates and his family describe the struggle he had post retirement due to quitting steroids ‘cold turkey.’

ABOVE: The official trailer for Dorian Yates: The Original Mass Monster

Eventually, Yates came around to using TRT – which is a treatment he still uses to this day. But it seems recently, he’s been experimenting with toning down the TRT and adding in “micro-doses” of testosterone.

“Then, recently, because I’m on TRT. The doctor I’m working with said, ‘how bout we try this. We reduce your TRT, and we put little micro-doses of HCG to bring the natural — and we have a bit of both. It sounds great in theory but I did it for two weeks and I felt like shit… So, I do 200 milligrams over 10 days but I do 20 milligrams a day subcutaneous. Talking with a few specialists and experimenting with myself, that this causes less disruption as it’s like a daily little pulse… That’s like 600 milligrams a month.”

Dorian Yates goes on to explain that the use of TRT and other testosterone treatment is only to keep him at healthy normal levels. He is in no way trying to use additional testosterone to build more muscle.

“It’s just about being healthy at this point. I’m not trying to have a high level of testosterone because I want to build muscle. I simply want to maintain and maintain my health.”

Dorian Yates speaking out about his personal steroid use is nothing new. He’s also been open about sharing his opinion, and warnings, about the dangers of massive steroid abuse that seem to be normalized in modern bodybuilding.

Yates’ man goal is to maintain a healthy life post-retirement and to use his experience and knowledge to speak truthfully about those experiences. Hopefully, those words can help not only inspire but educate young bodybuilders to both achieve greatness and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

You can watch the full podcast video featuring Dorian Yates below:

Stay tuned to the Generation Iron Fitness Network for update son all things bodybuilding, fitness, and strength sports.






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